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Vegan Ice Cream with Blueberry Banana Sauce

HK BioTek

Allergen Free Recipes


Creator    Wong Wai Pui, Tong Ching Kei, Tse chun Hei, Chan Yin Nam

Prep Time  1.5 hours

Cook Time  3-4 hours

Total Time  3.5-5.5 hours

Servings   1-2




Ice cream 1. Soak quinoa in hot water; soaked chia seed and date palms in water 2. Boil uncooked green lentils for 15 minutes, 20 minutes for a softer texture. Drain lentils after cooking 3. Add 1 cup of cooked green lentils, 1 cup of date palms, 2 tbsp quinoa, coconut cream, and chia seed, and chocolate into a blender. Blend until smooth 4. Pour the mixture into a Ziploc bag and put it into the freezer for 3-4 hours.

Blueberry-banana sauce

1. Blend 150g frozen blueberry, 1 banana, and 1⁄2 tsp honey

Nutrition(per serving)


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Low Allergen Recipe

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